Tuition-Free Public STEAM Charter School
Open Enrollment Now for AY 24.25
Grades K-8th
Welcome to PTAA
Pioneer Technology & Arts Academy (PTAA) provides a unique and innovative, tuition-free K-8 Public Charter School option for residents in Phoenix, Arizona. Our school will be opening August 2021. PTAA's goal is to make education better, relevant, rigorous and enjoyable for our scholars. With our focused engineering, technology and arts integrated curriculum, PTAA offers the best in STEAM education across all of our campuses.
Our scholars "Love What they Learn."

Our Mission:
The mission of Pioneer Technology and Arts Academy Arizona
(PTAAA) is to inspire and engage students, through an inquiry-based STEAM curriculum that emphasizes creativity, collaboration, and innovation. PTAAA students will have the skills and knowledge to go on to earn advanced degrees, secure fulfilling positions in a wide range of professions, and become international leaders. Creativity in PTAAA’s programs allows children to expand their creative thinking skills, which are necessary to the arts as well as to solve complex engineering, science, and math problems.

Our Vision:
The vision of PTAAA is to:
• Prepare all students for success in postsecondary education
• Increase the diversity of students earning STEM degrees and entering STEM professions
• Ensure that all members of our community make positive contributions to the world
around them.
Student Enrollment:
As an open enrollment charter school, Pioneer Technology & Arts Academy does not discriminate against students on the basis of sex, national origin, ethnicity, religion, disability, academic, artistic, athletic ability or the district the child would otherwise attend. In addition, PTAA admits students of any race, color, or national and ethnic origin with all the rights, privileges, programs, and activities of the school.

Teacher Salary Information (ARS 15-189.05)

Parents Right to Know Notification

Parents have the right to request information regarding both the education and professional qualifications of your child's teacher. Specifically, you may request the following:
Whether the teacher has met State qualification and licensing criteria for the grade levels and subject areas in which the teacher provides instruction.
Whether the teacher is teaching under emergency or other provisional status, the state qualifications or licensing criteria have been waived.
The teacher's baccalaureate degree major and any other graduate certification or degree held by the teacher, and the field of discipline of the certification or degree.
Provide the parent information on whether the child is provided services by paraprofessionals and, if so, their qualifications.
If you would like to review this information, you are free to request the information from the school administration, and we will provide the information to you in a timely manner.
Point of Contact for Public Record Request (ARS 39-171)
For public records requests please contact Ms. Suzette Poma at spoma@ptaa.org Phone: 602-305-8865
Notificación del derecho de los padres a saber
Los padres tienen derecho a solicitar información sobre las calificaciones profesionales y educacion del maestro de su hijo. En concreto, podrá solicitar lo siguiente:
Si el maestro ha cumplido con los criterios estatales de calificación y licencia para los niveles de grado y las materias en las que el maestro brinda instrucción.
Ya sea que el maestro esté enseñando bajo estado de emergencia u otro estado provisional, se han renunciado a las calificaciones estatales o los criterios de licencia.
La especialización del título de licenciatura del maestro y cualquier otra certificación de posgrado o título que posea el maestro, y el campo de disciplina de la certificación o título.
Proporcione a los padres información sobre si el niño recibe servicios de paraprofesionales y, de ser así, sus calificaciones.
Si desea revisar esta información, puede solicitarla a la administración de la escuela y le proporcionaremos la información de manera oportuna.
Punto de contacto para solicitud de registros públicos (ARS 39-171)
Para solicitudes de registros públicos, comuníquese con la Sra. Suzette Poma en spoma@ptaa.org Phone : 602-305-8865